Еле-еле ели ели ели.
В промежутках между забегами по потолку в ожидании финалки "Доктора" минутка зависти:
Marcus Wilson, producer: "One of the biggest challenges was waiting for it to grow. When Steven wrote this scene back in February, everybody was like, great, lovely scene. Just one problem - no corn. So we've had to wait until July now for it to grow, which is close to transmission."
Steven Moffat : "There's summer when stuff grows and winter when it doesn't. Who knew?!"
DW Сonfidential 6х08
Да, действительно, Стивен, кто ж знал?!

У него самого-то небось поставки травы прямиком с Галлифрея.
Doctor: Amy Pond, there's something you'd better understand. It's important, and your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box.
DW 6х11
Doctor: Look at you. Glorious Pond. The girl who waited for me. I'm not a hero. I really am just a mad man in a box.
DW 5х13
River: Did you dance? Well, you always dance at weddings, don't you?
Doctor: You tell me.
DW 6х08
Doctor: I danced with everyone at the wedding. The women were all brilliant, the men were a bit shy.
Mels/River: I don't do weddings.